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Spring Cleaning + Essential Oils

Spring Cleaning + Essential Oils

March 02, 2022

One of the first ways I began using essential oils was to create my own cleaning products. After years of battling chronic migraines and completely changing my diet to help balance out my hormones and heal my gut, I began researching other things that might be endocrine disruptors (which can cause hormone imbalance). One of the ...

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All Natural Facial Care Regimen

All Natural Facial Care Regimen

October 12, 2017 1 Comment

If you’re just joining me in my all natural journey, then you might want to read a little more about my issues with acne in this post. I’ve been dealing with acne since I was in middle school and I’ve probably tried every acne product on the market. NOTHING ever worked for me. It wasn’t …

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hospital bag packing list

hospital bag packing list

July 13, 2017

I’m just about 36 weeks along and if you know me at all, then you know that I’m a type A planner of all things. So, of course, I’ve already starting packing my hospital bag. Since this is my second pregnancy, I feel a little more confident about making decisions as to what I will …

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4 Simple Ways to Detox Your Home

4 Simple Ways to Detox Your Home

February 01, 2017

Let’s face it. Detoxing your home can be overwhelming and figuring out where to start can be enough to make you want give up before you even begin. I’m often asked why I even bother trying to get rid of products with toxic ingredients. For me, my history of migraines is linked to hormonal issues ...

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How To: Incorporating Greens & Veggies into Your Diet

How To: Incorporating Greens & Veggies into Your Diet

May 19, 2016

I’ve been following a Paleo-type diet for a good number of years now and I sometimes find myself getting into a bad habit of not incorporating enough vegetables into my diet. It’s extremely easy to grill a piece of chicken or a steak and cook some potatoes for dinner and call it a day. Making …

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How To: Homemade Almond Milk

How To: Homemade Almond Milk

March 22, 2016

Over the years I have come to find that I need to mostly stay away from dairy. I do include some cheese and butter from grass-fed cows, but other than that, I have to stay away from it. Milk, especially, makes me feel sick to my stomach and also causes me to have breakouts. When … Continue reading How To: Homemade Almond Milk

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Immune Boosting for Adults & Kids

Immune Boosting for Adults & Kids

February 04, 2016

Flu outbreaks and stomach viruses are going around like crazy. Our family opts not to get the flu shot, so at the beginning of flu season I started doing a few things to help boost our immune systems. My one year old daughter had some sort of virus a couple weeks ago. I only knew she ...

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French Press + Counter Culture = Perfection

French Press + Counter Culture = Perfection

January 23, 2016

I’ve pretty much loved coffee since I was a teenager, but I never would have put myself into the “coffee snob” category. That is until now. Over the past year or so, I’ve been reading about good coffee and the whole coffee making process and have ...

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Au Naturale Face Care Routine + My Battle with Acne

Au Naturale Face Care Routine + My Battle with Acne

January 19, 2016

If you’ve known me for any length of time, then you know that I have battled with acne off and on since I was a teenager. I would go through phases where I would get horrible cystic acne all over my face. My mom took me to a dermatologist as a teenager and this doctor ...

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Winter is Coming: 3 Ways to Combat Dry Skin

Winter is Coming: 3 Ways to Combat Dry Skin

December 08, 2015

I don’t know about you, but not long after we get the heat rolling in our house, I find that my skin is dry and cracking.  The worst is when I wake up in the middle of the night and my feet and hands are dry.  Over the past couple years, I’ve figured out some ...

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