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Immune Boosting for Adults & Kids

February 04, 2016

Immune Boosting for Adults & Kids

Flu outbreaks and stomach viruses are going around like crazy. Our family opts not to get the flu shot, so at the beginning of flu season I started doing a few things to help boost our immune systems. My one year old daughter had some sort of virus a couple weeks ago. I only knew she had it because she developed a rash on her stomach. She had a little bit of diarrhea, but she acted like her normal self and it never seemed to bother her much. So here’s what we’ve been doing (And remember, I am no doctor. These are just some things that have worked for my family):

Immune Boosting for Kids

  1. Daily dose of probiotics: We use these Jarrow Drops for Babies.
  2. Grassmilk Yogurt: Yogurt has probiotics as well. I opt for sugar free and add in a tiny bit of my own sweetener (maple syrup or honey). I use Organic Valley’s brand and buy it from Earthfare or Whole Foods.
  3. Elderberry Syrup: My friend Erin Balkind recommended this to me and I put half a teaspoon in Harper’s yogurt every day. I am a firm believer that it has made a huge difference. Recipe at the bottom of this post. (Also, Erin is a phenomenal craniosacral therapist in the Greensboro, NC area. Check her out at

Immune Boosting for Adults

  1. Daily dose of probiotics: I use these. I also drink about 4-6 ounces of kombucha daily. See this post to find out how to make your own kombucha.
  2. Grassmilk Yogurt: I eat grassmilk yogurt right along with my daughter. I typically make my own granola to go with it.
  3. Immune Boosting Essential Oil Blend: I put an immune boosting essential oil blend on my feet daily and I also diffuse it in my house. This type of blend typically includes orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary essential oils.
  4. Take an Elderberry Supplement: I take these.

Aside from taking these steps, it is also important to eat well. I make sure that we lots of veggies, protein, and healthy fats (i.e. avocado, coconut oil). I try to extremely limit our sugar and carb intake (except for veggie carbs) this time of year.

Elderberry Syrup Recipe 


  • 1/2 cup dried elderberry
  • 2 cups filtered water
  • 1/4 cup honey (leave out for babies under 12 months old)


  1. Bring water and elderberries to a rolling boil in a small pan.
  2. Once boiling, reduce heat and simmer for about 25 minutes. The liquid should be reduced by at least half.
  3. Strain elderberries and the honey while the liquid is still hot. Transfer to a small container and store in the refrigerator.
  4. Serving size : 1/2 teaspoon daily for kids


What are some things you do to boost your immune system?

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