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Peonies by Mary Oliver

Peonies by Mary Oliver

April 26, 2016

This morning the green fists of the peonies are getting ready to break my heart as the sun rises, as the sun strokes them with his old, buttery fingers and they open — pools of lace, white and pink — and all day the black ants climb over them, boring their deep and mysterious holes ...

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Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver

Why I Wake Early by Mary Oliver

January 14, 2016

As my alarmed sounded at 5:30am this morning, I drug myself out of bed to get the day started. I headed to the 6am class at my gym so that I can get back home before my daughter wakes. As I sit now and slowly begin to hear her stir, I couldn’t help but think ...

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The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

October 20, 2015

For some reason, once fall peaks out its beautiful head, I tend pick up the poetry books that have been sitting on my shelves gathering dust. One of my favorite poets is Wendell Berry.  I am a big fan of his poetry and prose, mostly because he can describe a scene in nature like no ...

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