Cadence Sinclair-Eastman, known as Cady, has grown up in a wealthy, prestigious family. Every summer they all head out to a private island to vacation. Cady’s cousins plus a family acquaintance are her companions each summer. She looks forward to spending the summer with them until one summer when something goes wrong. All she can remember about that summer is that she was in some sort of accident that caused her to lose her memory. She can’t understand why her mother won’t let her return to the island the next year. Two summers later, Cady is allowed to return and everything seems fine and normal until her memory starts to return.
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It's the most wonderful time of the year!! These scents will make your home smell all warm and cozy! Here are some of my favorite diffuser blends for the winter season.
...Have you heard all the buzz about double cleansing? Below you'll find a basic how-to and defense for double cleansing (with Some Call Me Crunchy product suggestions, of course)!
Why double cleanse?
Double Cleansing is a must because having a clean canvas to apply toners and skin nourishing serums is very important. If you spend lots of money on serums and hydrating creams, but your skin isn't clean, those powerhouse products won't actually do very much...
Shelby Collings
January 06, 2022
Totally agree! She got me on this one. I did not feel the same about her other book, Genuine Fraud, it was not nearly as well done.