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Unlearning + Learning: An Anti-Racist Book Club

June 11, 2020

Unlearning + Learning: An Anti-Racist Book Club

Over the past months, I've learned that I have a lot to learn concerning the history of our country and the issues of systemic racism. I've recognized that I, too, have biases that I was unaware of. Waking up to this reality has felt a little like grieving or at least going through the grief process. It hit me hard in the beginning and I was sad and angry. Then I didn't know what to do with the pain of it and was overwhelmed by it all. And now I'm accepting the fact that I have a lot of work to do and that this is a marathon, not a sprint. 

So, I'm starting a book club for you and me. This will be a place where we can come alongside one another and learn how to be active anti-racists and to also read more diversely. We will be alternating between fiction and non-fiction. Sometimes our books will deal specifically with the issue of racism. Sometimes we will just read and enjoy this form of art from people of color. I hope you will join me. 


Here's how it will work:

Will we meet in person? 

No. This is an online book club. All discussions will be online via Instagram at @somecallmecrunchy.  

When will we discuss? 

Books will be discussed on the last Wednesday of each month. 

Where/when will the book picks be announced?

The book announcements and discussions will take place on Instagram. Please follow @somecallmecrunchy there to engage. I plan to announce the following month's pick the month before it will be discussed to give you plenty of time to find a copy. 

Journal Prompts:
I'll provide journal prompts for you to use when the book of the month is announced. These will just be questions for you to think through and journal about as you read. 


The discussion will take place via an Instagram post + in stories. I'll provide a couple discussion questions and you can share your answers via the post. I also encourage you to find a real life friend to read these books with so you can have one-on-one discussions as well. 

Which book will we read first?

How to Be Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi. Order this from your local bookstore or via this link. It will be discussed on Wednesday, July 29th. I'll provide journal prompt questions via Instagram soon! Take your time with this book.

If you don't know anything about Ibram X. Kendi and his work, I recommend listening to this podcast episode


Please know that I am in no way an expert on this topic. I am far from that. But I do want to provide a space for us to be committed to learning and growing together. Because education is powerful and books can change our minds. 

*image from





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