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My Top 5 Favorite Books

November 03, 2015

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Top 5 All-Time Favorite Books 

So… this is obviously an extremely hard list for me to make.  I love books and often find myself calling a good number of them my favorites. I finally decided to sit down and really think it through and make a list of my ABSOLUTE, all time favorites.

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee:  I love this book so much that I named my daughter Harper.  I didn’t fall in love with it the first time I read it in high school.  It wasn’t until I read it again in college that it become my favorite.  I find it hard to even explain what I love about this book, but I will attempt by saying that I feel that Lee’s writing transports me back in time and allows me to see the south during a horrible period.  My feelings about this book haven’t changed with the publishing of Go Set a Watchman because what I love about both of the books is the glimpse of history that her writing provides.
  2. The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling: While this is actually 7 books, it is one story, so I count it as only one spot in my favorites list.  To show my love for these wonderful books, I got a tattoo of the page stars (on each page of the printed books) on my wrist. This series is not great just because of Harry Potter’s character, but I love it because of all the people in his community who loved him and helped him be what he needed to be.  We can’t do anything alone and J.K. Rowling makes Harry Potter great because of the people by his side.
  3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte: When I recommend this book to people, I always start by saying that the first half of the book is slow and that you won’t fall in love with it right away.  I trudged through the beginning when reading it for a book club years ago, and then found myself plowing through the second half.  I’ve now read it numerous times and enjoy the first half because I love the story in its entirety.  If you are one of those who have made it only partially through this novel, I highly encourage you to finish.  It will be worth your time.  Click here to read my full book review of this book.
  4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: Oh, Pride and Prejudice, how I love you. Every time I pick up this book to read it again, I get excited.  I fall in love with it each time I read it and find myself watching the various movie versions again and again.  Austen transports me back in time to a period that I love and the witticism keeps me laughing through its entirety.  I’m also a romantic and throughly enjoy a good love story.
  5. The Sookie Stackhouse series by Charlaine Harris: At this point you may be wondering why this vampire fantasy series is in the mix with all of these classics and literary masterpieces.  What can I say, I love a good vampire story.  I began reading these novels long before the HBO rendition (True Blood) came out and could barely stomach watching the first couple of seasons before giving up on the show.  HBO kept the same characters, added some others, and did some wild and crazy things with the storyline. It was lame. The books on the other hand are oh, so fun and Charlaine Harris creates her own little world in Bon Temps, Alabama.  These books are great on audio as well.  The narrator has a great southern accent that makes the audio experience completely different from just reading them. There are 13 books in this series and I have read them all more than once.  You can read my full review of the first book in the series here.  If you are a fan of mysteries, but don’t enjoy vampires in your stories, Charlaine Harris also has a number of other great mystery series ( i.e. Aurora Teagarden series, Harper Connelly series, Lily Bard Shakespeare series).

What are some of your all-time favorites?

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