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Goals for 2016

January 11, 2016

Goals for 2016

A few weeks back I posted about some resources I planned to use for the new year to help with goal setting and implementation for 2016. I am pretty much obsessed with said resources and am feeling super pumped about this year’s goals. Using my trusty Emily Ley Dapperdesk planner and Lara Casey’s Powersheets, I’ve been able to set some meaningful goals for the year.

Side Note:If you’ve never used Powersheets, I highly recommend them. They have helped me reflect on the past year and also think about what is truly important as I worked to set goals for 2016. 

I promised I’d share my goals, so… here you go: 

  1. Grow my Etsy business: Over the past couple of years, I have been learning about using essential oils and have been creating many of my own products with them. I have about 6 or so products that I am really in loved with. I share some of my recipes here on the blog, but I also know that not everyone has the time or materials to make body butters, deodorant, etc. I’m hoping to share more about my products this year and become more of an official business. You can view my Etsy shop here.
  2. Read more and more diversely: I absolutely love to read. I haven’t had much time to read over the past years with having a kid and a full-time job. Since I’m staying home with my daughter this year, I want to take the opportunity to relax and read more books. I am following the Popsugar 2016 Reading Challenge which includes 41 books and will also help me to read more diversely. See the exact details about the challenge in this post.
  3. Love my husband well: So having a kid kind of takes a lot of energy and being intentional about loving my husband has been placed on the back burner. I desperately want that to change and make our relationship more of a priority. I hope to do this by encouraging him, communicating better, having regular date nights, and finding more things we enjoy doing together.
  4. Crossfit at least 3 times per week: You know how I’ve mentioned a few times that I had a kid?? Well I’m going to once again blame her for not being able to get to the gym as much as I’d like. That needs to change though, and I’m setting a very obtainable goal of going to my local Crossfit gym (which is less than half a mile from my house) three times per week.
  5. Plant a garden: We recently moved into a new house and I finally have some space to plant a garden. I know pretty much nothing about having a garden, so there will definitely need to be some research done to make this happen. Any gardeners out there want to help with this???
  6. Save more and spend less: Up until I met my husband, I was a major spender. He has slowly taught me the importance of saving and being smart with money. This year I really want to be intentional about saving and really thinking through our purchases.  I’m working on redoing our budget and setting specific savings goals in order to make this happen.
  7. Trust Jesus and stop trying to constantly be in control: This is a big one. My attempts to control everything affect every aspect of my life. I do find that when I spend time praying and reading scripture that my perspective is drastically changed and that’s something I want to make a priority this year.
  8. Grow my blog: I have had so much fun starting this blog and having the opportunity to share some of the things I love. I would like to commit to regular blog posts and growing a bigger audience in 2016.
  9. Cook more and try new recipes: Meal planning is a must for me if I’m actually going to make dinners at my house. I really enjoy meal planning, but often find myself opting not to do it, which most likely means we will eat very few meals at home. I’m committing to regular meal planning and also using different cookbooks each week so we can have a little more variety.
  10. Make our home a place of refuge: For a long time my husband and I have sought to make our home a place that people feel welcome. We try to host dinners and get-togethers on a regular basis to help make this happen. This is very important to us both and we want to continue to make it a priority.

So that’s it!  As I’ve written these down in my Powersheets, I’ve also set up some specific action plans for each of them to help make them actually happen. Oh, and I stole this motto for myself this year from Emily Ley: “grace not perfection”.  I hope that I will be able to accomplish many of these goals, but if I don’t, that’s okay too.

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