Set in the 1980s, Rory Dawn Hendrix is a young girl living with her mother in a Reno trailer park. Rory’s maternal lineage includes a mother and grandmother who were both pregnant before turning 16. They are also high school dropouts, chain smokers, and welfare dependents. Rory’s trailer park, the Calle de la Flores, is no safe place for a child to be raised. Violence and child abuse abound and children are often left alone while parents work or spend their nights at the local bar.
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It's the most wonderful time of the year!! These scents will make your home smell all warm and cozy! Here are some of my favorite diffuser blends for the winter season.
...Have you heard all the buzz about double cleansing? Below you'll find a basic how-to and defense for double cleansing (with Some Call Me Crunchy product suggestions, of course)!
Why double cleanse?
Double Cleansing is a must because having a clean canvas to apply toners and skin nourishing serums is very important. If you spend lots of money on serums and hydrating creams, but your skin isn't clean, those powerhouse products won't actually do very much...