Set in North Carthage, Missouri, Gone Girl tells the story of Nick and Amy Dunne. The novel begins on Nick and Amy’s fifth wedding anniversary. Nick leaves for work the morning of their anniversary only to soon be called back home by a neighbor who has suspicions about happenings at the Dunne house. Nick returns home to find the house torn apart and Amy missing. Upon investigation, the North Carthage police determine that Amy has most likely been murdered. Nick declares his innocence but all of the evidence points to him, including Amy’s diary that gives a whole new perspective to their relationship.
My Thoughts:
I love a good mystery. From the very beginning of Gone Girl I tried my best to figure out what happened to Amy and whether or not Nick fell into the typical “husband kills his wife” category. Alternating chapters tell the story from Nick and Amy’s (via her diary entries) perspectives. As I read, I couldn’t decide whose side I was on. Was Nick guilty? Did he really kill his wife on the day of their fifth wedding anniversary? Gone Girl isn’t your typical “who did it” story and the twists throughout the novel will leave you sitting on the edge of your seat. You definitely don’t want to miss this one!
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